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Submitted byJeremybanny (не проверено)on сентября 26, 2024 - 04:13

Balanset-1A offers a portable solution for dynamic balancing and vibration analysis, making it perfect for balancing industrial rotors such as crushers, fans, and turbines.

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Vibrometer Mode:

Tachometer: Offers precise RPM readings for detailed vibration analysis.

Phase: Accurately identifies the phase angle in vibration signals for reliable analysis.

1x Vibration: Analyzes the main frequency component of vibration for detailed insights.

FFT Spectrum: Presents a complete analysis of vibration signals through frequency spectrum examination.

Overall Vibration: Ensures accurate monitoring of total vibration levels for maintenance purposes.

Balancing Mode:

Single-Plane Balancing: Focuses on reducing vibrations by balancing in a single plane.

Two-Plane Balancing: Offers precise dynamic balancing by adjusting in two planes.

Polar Diagram: Offers a visual representation of rotor imbalance for accurate weight placement.

Last Session Recovery: Facilitates the resumption of the last balancing session for efficiency.

Tolerance Calculator (ISO 1940): Calculates acceptable imbalance according to ISO 1940 standards.

Advantages of Balanset-1A:

High Efficiency and Quality: The Balanset-1A offers superior efficiency and quality in balancing and analysis.

Ease of Use: The device is user-friendly and requires minimal training, even for beginners in vibration analysis.

Customer-Centric Adaptation: Adaptable to different customer needs, this device is versatile for balancing and alignment.

Affordable Price: The Balanset-1A is competitively priced, offering great value for businesses with limited budgets.

High Repeatability: The Balanset-1A guarantees repeatable and accurate results, thanks to its advanced features.


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Balanset-1A provides an efficient and economical approach to balancing and vibration analysis, ensuring better equipment performance and safety.

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