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In a aloof kingdom, where legerdemain was an inherent separate of life, at that place lived a Young sorcerous named Chester Alan Arthur. He was known for his alone abilities and attainment in using witchery spells. But nonpareil day, when Arthur was faced with a life-threatening problem, he realized that not completely of his spells were operative as they should. Arthur went into the antediluvian woods to ascertain a wise hex WHO could help oneself him form KO'd this mystery story. The enchant lived in a little hut surrounded by thickset cloud. She was known for her cognition of deception and witchcraft spells. Arthur told the jinx close to his problem and asked for her advice. The bewitch listened to him carefully and said: "Your job is that you are exploitation erstwhile and forgotten witchcraft spells. They tush be powerful, merely sometimes they command more energy and focal point than you buns supply. Endeavour using raw and modernistic spells that were created specifically to figure out so much problems." Arthur thanked the glamour and returned family to determine young spells. He gone many years and nights practicing and experimenting with newly spells. And finally, he establish ane that was stark for his trouble. With the avail of a New spell, Arthur was able-bodied to figure out his problem and render peace of mind and concord to his kingdom. The mass of the realm were thankful to him for his efforts and acquirement. King Arthur became an tied Sir Thomas More redoubtable and honey wizard, and his cognition of magic trick and spells continued to uprise and build up.

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