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EFS stands for Encrypting File System, which is a feature of Windows that allows you to encrypt individual files and folders using a symmetric key. EFS encryption is tied to the user account that encrypted the files, so if you log in with a different user account, you won't be able to access them. EFS encryption is not very secure, as the key is stored locally and can be extracted by malicious software or hackers. EFS encryption can also cause data leakage through temporary files that are not encrypted.

To use EFS encryption, you need to have a password-protected user account and a backup key or certificate that can be used to restore the encryption key in case of a system failure or a user account change. If you don't have these, you may not be able to decrypt your files. There are some third-party tools that claim to recover EFS-encrypted files, but they are not guaranteed to work and may damage your data further. You should always make a backup copy of your files before attempting any recovery methods.

I hope this helps you understand your situation better and formulate a clear question for an expert. Good luck with your file recovery. рџЌЂ


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