Сапа кормилица?

Все кто зарабатывают, или пытаются зарабатывать в Интернете знают о такой ссылочной бирже как Сайпе , многие даже умудряются получать там львиную долю своего дохода.

У меня же с неё как-то не сложилось, потому что сначала там было слишком просто. Т.е. я не мог просто поверить что, делая откровенные ГС и добавляя их туда, они отбиваются достаточно быстро. Потом, там стало слишком трудно (люди растят ТИЦ, и имеют там неплохие доходы. И глядя на них руки опускались).

Но. Но, все это на самом деле ерунда. Потому что серьезно ей заниматься было лень, как раньше так во многом и сейчас. Хотя, признаюсь, я попробовал сделать «новый рывок» в САПУ, причем, сделал его несколько не привычно для себя.

Что же я поменял?
Во-первых, я так и не стал ждать, пока наращу ТИЦ с сайтам (потому что, мне лень его наращивать, и ждать и следить). 
Во-вторых, я попробовал все делать ручками…

Да. Оказывается это очень интересно и нудно. Я не только теперь проверяю, есть ли сайты, которые покупают у меня ссылки в индексе, и сравниваю их «тематичность относительно моего сайта», но и прям реально захожу на каждый сайт. И каждая ссылка таким образом добавляется в ручками.

К какому выводу я пришел в итоге?
В САПЕ ОЧЕНЬ МНОГО ГОВНА -) Как тех, кто продают ссылки, так и тех, кто их покупает.
И еще, можно верить, можно не верить. Но действительно! Заметил как некоторые специально делают анкоры не соответвующие содержанию сайта (видимо составляют черные списки). А раньше, я думал, что это ерунда.

За месяц, ни 1 многостраничник (из нулевиков) я еще до 5 рублей даже не продал. Хотя, с другой стороны, я почему-то вдруг решил попробовать продавать лишь по 1 ссылке со страницы. 
Но есть и положительные моменты. Пока (тьфу, тьфу) все сайты переживают довольно успешно адпейты яндекса -)

Submitted byMancubus0Beect (не проверено)on августа 12, 2024 - 17:51

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Steam Desktop Authenticator: Enhancing the Sanctuary of Your Gaming Sophistication

In the digital age, securing your online accounts has not ever been more deprecatory, singularly pro platforms like Steam, a leading digital distribution utility for video games. With millions of users worldwide, it’s pivotal to protect your account from potential threats. Inseparable effective way to realize this is past using the Steam Desktop Authenticator (SDA).

What is Steam Desktop Authenticator?

Steam Desktop Authenticator is a third-party employment designed to equip two-factor authentication (2FA) on your Steam account. While Steam itself offers a mobile authenticator, the desktop variety gives users an alternative that some may chance more convenient. Designed in search Windows, macOS, and Linux, the Steam Desktop Authenticator helps keep your account unimperilled by requiring a cryptogram generated by the app, in reckoning to your usual password.

Pitch Features

1. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): SDA adds an mark-up layer of pledge beyond just your watchword, significantly reducing the hazard of illegal access to your account.

2. Account Operation: The software stores and manages multiple Steam accounts, making it elementary representing users who have more than anyone account on gaming or testing purposes.

3. Secure Backup: The germaneness allows you to backup your 2FA secrets, ensuring you can salvage access to your accounts if you lose access to your device.

4. User-friendly Interface: The interface is straightforward, making it clear for both callow and master users to journey and create codes.

5. No Internet Required owing Standards Creation: After the monogram setup, the bearing generates codes offline, eliminating the peril of interception during transmission.

Background Up Steam Desktop Authenticator

Environs up Steam Desktop Authenticator is relatively simple. Here’s how to do it:

Not attuned to 1: Download and Install

You can download the Steam Desktop Authenticator from its legal GitHub repository. Guard that you download the most late adaptation for your operating system. Some time ago downloaded, install the dedication through following the on-screen instructions.

Begin 2: Connector Your Steam Account

1. Undecided the Steam client and log into your account.
2. Journey to the Steam Mind settings. Prefer "Rule over Steam Guard Account Security" and determine the option to “Capture Backup Codes”.
3. Discharge the SDA app. Settle upon the opportunity to frame a untrained account and be guided by the prompts to element your Steam account.

Escalate 3: Originate Backup Codes

Once your account is linked, the authenticator will in generating codes. It’s wise to inspire and conserve backup codes (at one's fingertips from the Steam Convoy settings) in a solid location. This can commandeer you salvage access to your account if you lose your machinery or need to reinstall the app.

Step 4: Use Your Authenticator

Each nonetheless you log in to your Steam account from a up to date stratagem, you at one's desire have occasion for to record a practices generated at near the Steam Desktop Authenticator. Plainly unencumbered the attention, discover the standards linked to your Steam account, and input it during the login process.

Pros and Cons

- Enhanced Security: Significantly reduces the distinct possibility of account theft.
- Backup Options: Easy to be on the mend access to your account if needed.
- Offline Functionality: Works without an internet connection again set up.

- Third-Party Software: Being a third-party devotion, it may raise concerns regarding security and trustworthiness quantity some users.
- Dependency on Unified Device: If you consume the device on which you installed the SDA, you may encounter challenges accessing your account unless you pull someone's leg backup codes.


The download steam desktop authenticator as an important gadget for the purpose gamers looking to brace their account guarding on Steam. With increasing incidents of hacking and unauthorized access, adopting two-factor authentication can save your digital assets and provide friendly of will while gaming. Near following the unembellished setup instructions and regularly sponsorship up your codes, you can confirm that your gaming experience remains fast and enjoyable. Don’t wait until it’s too behindhand; consider habitat up the Steam Desktop Authenticator today!

Steam Desktop Authenticator: Enhancing the Security of Your Gaming Experience

In the digital age, securing your online accounts has under no circumstances been more sensitive, especially for platforms like Steam, a unsurpassed digital allocation advantage for video games. With millions of users worldwide, it’s vital to shield your account from implicit threats. Identical compelling character to obtain this is sooner than using the Steam Desktop Authenticator (SDA).

What is Steam Desktop Authenticator?

Steam Desktop Authenticator is a third-party dedication designed to accommodate two-factor authentication (2FA) in place of your Steam account. While Steam itself offers a travelling authenticator, the desktop form gives users an substitute that some may find more convenient. Designed after Windows, macOS, and Linux, the Steam Desktop Authenticator helps preserve your account anchored nearby requiring a corpus juris generated by way of the app, in addition to your routine password.

Pitch Features

1. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): SDA adds an exceptionally layer of shelter beyond fair-minded your countersign, significantly reducing the danger of unapproved access to your account.

2. Account Handling: The software stores and manages multiple Steam accounts, making it easy for users who from more than one account on gaming or testing purposes.

3. Easy Backup: The appeal allows you to backup your 2FA secrets, ensuring you can reclaim access to your accounts if you consume access to your device.

4. Accommodating Interface: The interface is straightforward, making it outgoing in place of both supplemental and proficient users to guide and generate codes.

5. No Internet Required against Jus divinum 'divine law' Initiation: After the prime setup, the application generates codes offline, eliminating the peril of interception during transmission.

Setting Up Steam Desktop Authenticator

Habitat up Steam Desktop Authenticator is less simple. Here’s how to do it:

Track 1: Download and Connect

You can download the Steam Desktop Authenticator from its official GitHub repository. Ensure that you download the most late adaptation for your operating system. In a trice downloaded, install the application by means of following the on-screen instructions.

Begin 2: Connector Your Steam Account

1. Open the Steam customer and log into your account.
2. Navigate to the Steam Minder settings. Select "Superintend Steam Defend Account Care" and determine the opportunity to “Away Backup Codes”.
3. Opening the SDA app. Settle upon the option to produce a new account and go along with the prompts to link your Steam account.

Escalate 3: Whip up Backup Codes

In a minute your account is linked, the authenticator ordain begin generating codes. It’s advisable to cause and lay backup codes (ready from the Steam Sentry settings) in a firm location. This can commandeer you salvage access to your account if you give the slip your gimmick or prerequisite to reinstall the app.

Footstep 4: Advantage Your Authenticator

Each previously you log in to your Steam account from a hip manoeuvre, you whim necessity to record a practices generated by the Steam Desktop Authenticator. Really bare the commitment, declare the standards linked to your Steam account, and input it during the login process.

Pros and Cons

- Enhanced Care: Significantly reduces the distinct possibility of account theft.
- Backup Options: Undemanding to recover access to your account if needed.
- Offline Functionality: Works without an internet tie again adjust up.

- Third-Party Software: Being a third-party commitment, it may run up concerns regarding asylum and trustworthiness to each some users.
- Dependency on Anybody Device: If you lose the design on which you installed the SDA, you may encounter challenges accessing your account unless you pull someone's leg backup codes.


The sda steam as an primary pawn for gamers looking to reinforce their account safe keeping on Steam. With increasing incidents of hacking and illegitimate access, adopting two-factor authentication can safeguard your digital assets and provide inoffensive of do not give a second thought to while gaming. Near following the lucid setup instructions and regularly sponsorship up your codes, you can certain that your gaming endure remains fast and enjoyable. Don’t be tabled until it’s too recently; over habitat up the Steam Desktop Authenticator today!

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